I am Yours, You are Mine

You are my Charlie
To my Brown
I am Marcy
To Your Charlie
You are my Boopy
To My Snoopy 
I am your Wig
To your Wag
You are my Zig
To my Zag
You are my monkey
To my spunkey
To the Swig
To the Swag
I am Toni
To your Babyface
No can take your place
We Live
We Laugh
You are the Light
In the Dark
You give me a spark.
I am Lucy
To you silly goosey
You are a Blockhead
Like I said
Riding Together 
On a moped.
You are Prince
To my Sheila
I am Sheila
To Your Prince
No Yes Chick
A Boss Chick
We'll Always Be Down
Bring A Deal of Zest 
To The Mess
Together there is No Contest
We Feel So Very Blessed.
Float. Soar. Sail

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Much <3 SP