We Are Here.

What's on my mind.
The heat of your skin 
Next to mine.
Laying my head 
Against your chest.
The rise and fall.
The air of your breath 
Moving through you...
As you breathe feeling it move 
Your heartbeat against my cheek
Your lips against my neck. 
My knees are weak.
My heart flutters. 
Relish and sigh. 

The Joy of Your Life 
Being here with me.
Two Bugs In A Rug
Who are Snug.
Sharing Your Hoodie with You 
Kissing with closed eyes
We Hide Inside Our Own Cocoon. 
Snuggle & Cuddle in Downy Soft Clouds.
Finding What Love Is All About.
This passionate connection so foreign
Reciprocated Unison of Synchronicity.
Didn't know it existed with anyone.
Matching my energy I discovered you.
Without you I don't know what I'll do.
I've discovered you and there's no going back.
I'll follow wherever you may go 
With you part of my soul.
You are my shadow that always follows me 
Whether in the light or in the dark - you're there.
My fingers trace your body.
Fire in me emits into you. 
Burning passion never enough.
Energy, Heat, and Fire. 
Vigorous and Tender.

My One and Only Desire.
Water cannot extinguish this flame.
Will my lips be enough to take you away?
From yours lavishly desiring and freely given
Against your loving skin sensitive to its touch
Brings my body to full excitement very much.
Sheets clinging to our bodies in movement
Pillows molded to our heads in ecstasy. 
Your scent arousing sensations taking me away.
No words can express how you make me feel this way.
My Everything. What I Never Knew Before.
Out of Nowhere Making Completely No Sense.
 It All Makes Sense. To Leave It Behind Is To Be Blind.
How Can Finding Such Beauty In This Life Be This Sublime?

An Angel appearing in physical life into my life.
Patiently waiting for me to call
Stay with me Dear Angel!
Don't Ever Leave Me Here.
Don't Go Back To Heaven 
Where I Can't Have It Here.
I'll Never Know Happiness Like This
If You Are Not Near.
You Send Me Far Away Imaginative, Spiritual, Whimsical. 
Out of Body. In Mind. Spirit Set Free.
Flying With You. We're Gliding Together. Above It All.
So High We Can't Even See The Sky and We're Gone.
Making Love To You Is Feeling Every Single Love Song.
Your Voice Serenades Me - Lures Me Like A Spell
You've Captured My Heart. 
By Now You Can Tell.
My Heart Is So Full 
Tears Can't Help But To Well.

Your Love Gives Me The Strength To Live.
 My Life Purpose And Reason To Lovingly Give.
A Feeling Unstoppable and Unbeatable. 
 Giant. Fearless. Brave. 
Can Take On Anything.
You Did This To Me. 
You Did This For Me, My Love.
When our Heads Touch It's Our Souls Connecting.
We Close Our Eyes With Our Hands Intertwined.
We're There.
We Are There Together.
My Heart Matches Your Heart.
We Are Here Together🌹