There Were Signs

There were signs
From the beginning
I knew I wasn't going to be winning
To him always sinning
Didn't grow up that way
I still ask my self
WHY did I stay?
Guilt on top of lies
So many tears shed from these eyes
The drops a sea
Of what we would never be...


From the silent treatment
To years of name calls
Making me always take the fall
To his verbal contusion's
Lowered self esteem
Berating my dreams
Felt less then a woman
Just wanted to be loved...


It started with a poke
I was a joke
Blood pours
On the mental scars of my
Already fragile heart
Pulling of my hair
Oh but he never did care
Who was there
Dragging me across rooms
Scars still show the burns
Love with no discern
Threats of death
Wow that's what he did best...


I was not Godly
Was lower then him
Remembering how
He used Jesus against me
He told me
I was worse the Eve
I questioned my faith
He used his knowledge
To chastise
And criticize...


Molesting my heart body and soul
So cold
If the truth be told
Still hard to speak
On the acts he did to me
Igniting my pain
Ravaging my body
Leaves a bloody taste in my mouth

Broken bones
Are now pitted with his ashes
So many a night I was at the
End of his lashing
For years draped
In a crimson sash
But soon learned to take my life back..
I NOW stand as much more
Then a survivor
I'm A thriver...

Taken from When Darkness Comes To Light available to buy on Amazon

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