Pen'D Poem October 14-20

God knows best 

Sometimes lonely 

nights can lend the 

wrong advice... 

Inducing thoughts 

Of a better life with 

visions of you having 

a wife

I'll admit them cold 

singled nights had

me missing my past

life...... Had me reaching

for everything thing, failed 

attempts I grasped twice

Symptoms of loneliness

lust equipped with love's

might... So your desire for

erotic fights is poisoned by

loves bite

I know it all to

well been bit in

the ass twice, but

god lent clear to my

sight showing love

only appears when it's


He knew I wasn't ready

he was watching them

lonely nights... He knew

we'd bump heads not

a wife but she was shelved

At a similar price

saturated with the

freedom of one whos

engaged to a single

life but she feeds me

the love one would endure

from having a wife

She was exactly

what I ordered an

illusion of when the

time is right, god prescribed

her to me curing that desire

for bonded nights

And love.....

He made sure

falling was far from

sight, keeping my heart

tamed by the fact that she

is someone's wife

We even fight.....

Something else he

added to make this

"right" .... Constant

arguing reassuring

the love is ripe

Everything would

go left for a week

they wouldn't be

right but on that

8th day the make up

Was super nice

When im ready....

I know love won't

dare past me by...

I gave my heart away

before my body never

requested that great divide

Love has picky


selfish ears she

ignores your cries....

But she has a

unique sense one

that's overseen by

he who claims our


So don't bother

asking why you

seem to be absent

her "Hi" or why every

time she trys its always

chased by a goodbye

Just know when

your ready she

will be stationed

by your side... God

has funny ways of

training our anxious


God knows best 

(c) 2012 viewtifulink

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