Pen'D Poem September 9-16

I have doubts 

Sometime before today

I guided love away from 


A fool towards what

was true intoxicated by


how come nobody

mentioned to me

that them shackles

weren't cheap... I'm

paying for what I've

lost when it was giving

to me for free

I'm hurting for what

I've done most can't

afford that golden key...

It's treasure deep in

in my chest directing

blood to places it needs

to be.....

I kept from thought

the quality of those

who roamed free, now

I'm infected with this

cancer you may know

her as lonely

she's mean...

Feeding off your

desire to feel needed,

so every single encounter

she portrays love as the

source of why you were


vulnerable your mind

Is throughout this diseased

time.... Disrupting your gift

of vision lonely convinces you

your blind

Forced to only see

what she wants to be

seen.... One night stands

scripted as fulfilled love

dreams you see your read

is disrupted hit by the

stare of the suns beam so

you fall for anything them

obvious cracks are hardly


Attempting daily to get

back the entire route your

suffering because reality

is taunting " you forced real

to leave the scene"!!

I have doubts....

due to this horrid

society.... Women

using their gift given

to create for conning

men into enhancing

their lives financially

Men abusing the beauty

of "her" exaggerated

emotion stream to feed

their overwhelming

greed sexually

It's a never ending cycle

that makes this love shit

hard for me.... I'm not into

the casual games they were

forced onto me

I gambled and rolled

the dice now love runs

when I speak... Not chasing

my prior one I just need love

to forgive me and respect my

speech, but I doubt shell stop

to listen she quickly evades me

when I reach

I have doubts

(c) 2012 viewtifulink

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